apartment friendly house plants

6 Apartment-Friendly Plants to Start Growing Today

apartment friendly house plants
Photo: Pexels

Do you want to grow your green thumb but are short on square-footage? Are you eager to start a garden but don’t have any green space to plant? These factors are all too common for apartment dwellers. While you may think it’s simply not possible to be a plant parent, it’s time to think again.

True, many plants require plenty of space and water, but there are so many others that can withstand— and even thrive— in simpler conditions. If you’ve been looking to tap into your inner horticulturist, but are worried your apartment isn’t big or bright enough, here are 6 plants to consider bringing home.

Zamioculcas Zamiifolia

One of the lowest maintenance plants, this leafy green plant only needs water three times a month, doesn’t need much light, and will not attract bugs or other pests. The waxy, smooth leaves reflect sunlight, which help to brighten up small spaces. Zamioculcas Zamiifolia will grow slowly to about two or three feet, keeping it from outgrowing pots and containers.

Pincushion Peperomia

Also known as the Happy Bean plant, Pincushion Peperomia have thick, succulent leaves that prefer to be kept on the dry side. With peapod shaped leaves that can grow thick and tall, this plant grows upright and can become a bit bushy. They thrive with humidity and light, and it is important to avoid overwatering.


This leafy green plant is a lively accent for any apartment. Common up high up in hanging baskets, they clean the air by absorbing toxins like formaldehyde (often found in carpet and area rugs). They can live in low or bright light, but low light can impact variegation in the leaves. Sometimes called the Devil’s Ivy, pothos plants are good climbers, and feel quite at home on the top shelf of bookcases or above cabinets.

Snake Plant

One of the most tolerant plants there is, snake plants can go weeks without water and not lose their shape and fresh look. They can thrive in environments with very low light and water. Like pothos plants, they can help purify the air by removing toxins like benzene. Also called Mother-in-Laws Tongue, it’s important to note that this plant is toxic to cats and dogs.


Nicknamed air plants because they need no soil, Tillandsia, commonly called air plants, can be a fun and trendy way to add simple style to your apartment’s decor. Out in their natural environment, air plants are epiphytic, which means they grow on other plants without harming them. They need bright light, a gentle misting every couple of days and a long soak in water every few weeks.

Crassula Ovata 

A symbol of good luck, Crassula Ovata, more commonly known as the jade plant, needs full or partial sun and a wide, sturdy pot. With woody stems and oval leaves,these succulent houseplants are fairly resilient and easy to grow indoors. Water when the soil is dry, which happens about once a week in the spring and summer, and much less frequently when the plant is dormant in the fall.

Plants are a great addition to apartments because they add warmth, texture, and color— even if they are all green. They don’t clash and style and help break up the monotony. Plants need water, sun, air and soil— but not always all and not always at the same time. For those apartment dwellers growing tired of a lifeless interior, your home can be a blank canvas ready for splashes of green color. Indoor plants that can add just the right amount of depth and dimension— and delight.